Documenti trovati: 2873

Descrizione ISMIN Fondazione Stato
$5 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China 30488 1938 Cina
$50 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China 30508 1938 Cina
£1,000 Chinese Government Loan Bond bearing 8% interest 30479 1925 Cina
1882 – BANCA MUTUA POPOLARE DEL MANDAMENTO DI MASSERANO 30856 1881 Regno d'Italia (1861-1946)
1898 – China Gold Loan 41/2% 83910 1898 Cina
1898 Anglo-German Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan 30520 1898 Cina
1898 Gold Loan 4 1/2% – Chinese Imperial Government 30610 1898 Cina
1905 Chinese Imperial Government 5% Bond 30616 1905 Cina
1908 – China 5% Gold Loan – Issued by Banque de l’Indo-chine 83937 1908 Cina
1908 Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan 30657 1908 Cina
1909 – banque commerciale de palestine – 1 bearer share 84046 1909 Impero Ottomano (1299-1922)
1910 Pekin Syndicate Limited 30894 1910 Cina
1912 – Chinese Government 5% £20 “Crisp Loan” Gold Bond 30470 1912 Cina
1913 £20 Government of the Province of Petchili 30502 1913 Cina
1913 Bank Industrial of China 30862 1913 Cina
1918 Government Chinese Republic Treasury Bill Marconi Wireless Telegraph Loan 30788 1918 Cina
1919 Bank Industrial of China – Capital 75.000.000 Francs 30867 1919 Cina
1919 Republic of China Gold Loan 6% – $1000 Treasury Notes 30792 1919 Cina
1919 Republic of China Pacific Development Loan Bond 32450 1919 Cina
1920 Bank Industrial of China – Capital 150.000.000 Francs 30870 1920 Cina
1920 Government of the Chinese Republic 1,000 Francs Dutch 8% Bond 30697 1920 Cina
1923 Bank Industrial of China 30873 1923 Cina
1925 – 8% ‘SKODA’ LOAN – BOND FOR £1000 83955 1925 Cina
1925 Government of the Chinese Republic 500 Francs 30728 1925 Cina
1926 Shanghai Municipal Council 6% Loan – 100 Taels 30876 1926 Cina
1928 Banque Franco – Asiatique 30879 1928 Cina
1929 – Shantung eisenbahn gesellschaft 84019 1929 Cina
1933 Farmers Bank of China Bond 30562 1933 Cina
1934 – 6% STERLING INDEMNITY LOAN 83961 1934 Cina
1934 Chinese Silver Loan $100 7% Bond 30889 1934 Cina
1936 4½% External Conversion Loan 31667 1936 Argentina
1937 Liberty Bond – National Government of the Republic of China 30517 1937 Cina
1937 Republic of China Pacific Development Loan Bond 30556 1937 Cina
1938 The 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China – $10 USA 30818 1938 Cina
1944 Republic of China “Victory Loan Bond” 30537 1944 Cina
1944 Victory Loan Bond 6% – $5,000 30824 1944 Cina
1946 3% Conversion Loan 41838 1946 India
1948 China Central Bank $250,000 Customs Gold Unit 30859 1948 Cina
27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China 30514 1938 Cina
27th Year Gold Loan Republic of China Bond 30483 1938 Cina
29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan of the Republic of China 30499 1940 Cina
4½% Algeria Bond 31625 1930 Algeria
8% CENTRAL GOLDPGANDBRIEF 80167 17/08/1924 Germania
A la reine d’angleterre 49823 1924 Francia
A. Bigot et c.Ie 46457 1897 Francia
A. Lancelot etablissements 49826 1924 Francia
Abn Amro Holding 74458 1908 Germania
Aboukir Bay Treasure Recovery Company Ltd 35214 1889 Egitto
Accomandita Affari di Banca e Commercio Cesena 32125 1846 Stato Pontificio (756-1870)
Accomandita per affari di banca e commercio Giuseppe D’Antonio Belletti e C. 63097 1 Aprile 1846 Stato Pontificio (756-1870)
Acieries de vernon 47490 1920 Francia
Acieries et chantiers de paratoff 61027 1901 Russia
Actieselskabet Den Norske Industri og Vexelbank 60434 1898 Norvegia
Adarsh Chitra Limited 36725 1937 India
Afrique et congo soc. Agricole, commerciale et industrielle 46907 1907 Francia
AG für Verkehrswesen 60446 1901 Germania
Agarpara Company Limited 36731 1928 India
Agra Bank Limited 36734 1892 India
Agra Savings Bank Limited 36743 1888 India
Agrarbank für die Alpenländer 60452 1920 Austria
Agricongo 45168 1928 Belgio
Agricultural Bank of Egypt 35225 1902 Egitto
Aguascalintes state 58497 1910 Messico
Akbar Manufacturing and Press Company Limited 36803 1937 India
Aktibolaget kreuger and toll 62497 1928 Svezia
Aktiebolaget Börs 31224 1916 Finlandia
Alapittatott gegrundet 43372 1893 Austria
Albert nève, wilde e c. – l’exploitation des ateliers de construction et chaudronneries 44307 1912 Belgio
Albina – Institut de Credit si de Economii 55818 1922 Romania
Alcools de l’ardeche comp. Industrielle des 46863 1905 Francia
Alipur Duar Loan Office Limited 36845 1924 India
Allahabad Bank Limited 36862 1901 India
Allgemeine Beamten Kasse Kreditbank GmbH 65754 1912 Germania
Allgemeine Deutsche Credit-Anstalt 63244 1858 Germania
Allgemeine Hypothekenbank 74253 1962 Germania
Allgemeine osterreichische boden-credit-anstalt 43566 1920 Austria
Allgemeinen Depositen-Bank 60470 1871 Austria
Allgemeinen osterr. Boden-credit-anstalt 43786 1926 Austria
Alliance Bank of Simla Limited 36866 1915 India
Ally Moolla Industrial Corporation Limited 36870 1921 India
Alsatia – soc. Alsacienne d’edition 48761 1921 Francia
Altmärkische Landwirtschaftsbank AG zu Gardelegen 74677 1923 Germania
American Express Company 26444 1850 USA
American International Group, Inc. 58359 1919 USA
American-Oriental Bank of Szechuan (Mei Feng Bank of Szechuan) 35196 1929 Cina
Amylo Deutsche Getreideimport Bank AG 65803 13 settembre 1923 Germania
Anciens etablissements loy et aubé 51003 1927 Francia
Anciens etablissements pieper 45171 1928 Belgio
Ancona Bank 6187 Regno d'Italia (1861-1946)
Anderson Wright Limited 36904 1946 India
Andover National Bank 60474 1894 USA
Angelo Chiantore – Titolo Caratura da Lire 15 27226 Regno d'Italia (1861-1946)
Anglo Egyptian Bank Ltd 35239 1864 Egitto
Anglo Egyptian Banking Company Ltd 35242 1864 Egitto
Anglo-algerienne soc.. 47496 1920 Francia
Anglo-Chinese Fibre Company Ltd 35201 1900 Cina
Anglo-egyptian finance and exchange 45920 1920 Egitto